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The book What About Me and other works are available on Amazon and wherever books are sold.

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Dee Greathouse is a spiritual leader who is concerned that too many people have no idea who they are and why God put them on earth. Most people think of their identity in physical terms, when they should think of themselves as spiritual beings in a human body. This book was written to clarify the relationship between our spiritual and physical selves, with the goal of helping people understand why God put them on earth and finding their purpose in life. By reading this book, readers will have a greater awareness and appreciation for their "divine destiny" and the unique calling and giftedness that God planned for them even before they were born.

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Do you desire to discover your true identity?

Having God’s Spiritual DNA yet navigating in Human Form?

Learn how to emerge fully from the Spiritual Birth Canal.

Understand how to walk and live in the spirit.

Comprehend the Gospel of Jesus Christ fully.

Be able to present the Gospel to others so that they can believe in God, repent of their sins, become born again, and walk as true Ambassadors of Christ.

Become inspired and empowered through our writings and teachings as the Holy Spirit continues to inspire our ministry works! 

Discover the difference between Old Covenant saints and New Covenant saints.

Live spiritually with resurrection power.

This book will help you become a part of the spotless bride of Christ who is being prepared for a great wedding.

Do you desire freedom instead of fear? This book is for you.

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